I'm an ambitious developer and student at Kingston University in the final year of my bachelor's degree. I love creating excellent projects and always relish new challenges as I expand my horizons into new areas of CS and life. 🚀
Our FiveM server, Elite Gaming (aka EGRP) offers over 350+ custom vehicles and peds, with a wide range of custom scripts to enhance the Roleplay experience. Don't fancy roleplay? No problem, our server uses vMenu and FivePD to allow for much fun playing as a First Responder on our server.
UniCalc is one of my Year 2 University group projects developed by myself and a partner for our client using PHP, MySQL, AJAX, HTML and CSS. This is a website which allows undergraduate students to quickly and easily calculate grade statistics and results across all years. Key features include a robust login system with cloud syncing, PDF exports and a simple UI.
CV Builder is an individual project for Year 2 Programming that is an application written using Java and Java Swing for the GUI which allows the user to easily manage a range of CV fields and generate a CV. The application supports the ability to store multiple values for each field, excellent file export and import functionality and a simple UI allowing the user to pick fields to return.
The Product Store website was my final individual project for the Database & Web Development module in Year 2, which recieved 100% full marks. This project was great in further developing my traditional web development skills as it heavily focused on PHP, MySQL, HTML/CSS alongside AJAX conventions. Key features includes a full registration/login system, admin panel using permissions, responsive UI and search/filtering functionality as well as a robust basket and checkout system.
Drop me a line directly via the contact form besides or anywhere else across the wide interwebs where I am available!
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